Mr. Marc Verriere, the Founding President of the WOAC, comes from an old family of artists : many renowned painters and musicians come from the Robaut family, originally from the North of France, and his mother was a member of this family. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (July 17, 1796 - February 22, 1875), painter known worldwide for his landscape works, also spent a large part of his life in this family. It could be Marc Verriere's destiny to dedicate his life to art and the development of art all over the world.
Mr. Marc Verriere obtained his university degree from the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris, with a specialty in law, literature and musical studies. After obtaining his diplomas, and a period spent in business management, Marc Verriere launched himself in the 1980s in the field of music, production and artistic managment. He worked in particular at Radio France (France Inter, France Musique and France Culture) and organized public and private concerts in the Paris region.
Throughout this important period, and thanks to new technologies, new art has appeared and the artistic world as a whole has evolved considerably in France and Europe, in particular.
But his ambition did not stop there. In 1985, with Françoise Legrand, musician and composer, cousin of Michel Legrand, they created in 1985 in Stockholm (Sweden), in Homage to the Nobel Foundation, the World Philharmonic Orchestra , which brings together the best orchestral soloists from over 85 countries. This initiative has been applauded around the world by developing during new sessions in Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Montreal, Paris, in particular. Several concerts by the World Philharmonic Orchestra were given for the benefit of UNICEF. This is why, due to his contribution to charity, Marc Verriere was awarded the Medal of Recognition by UNICEF.
Subsequently, Marc Verriere created a fund for the World Philharmonic Orchestra and offered scholarships to underprivileged children from different countries for their musical education.
A few years later, a new innovative idea came to his mind : on the principle of the World Philharmonic Orchestra, to develop and create an artistic event that would bring together all the arts. And in 1992, while doing research at the National Library of France, Marc Verriere came across a book entitled "The Eternal Olympics", published in New York in 1979 and whose author is Nicolaos Yalouris. The book gives an account of the importance and the attraction of artistic events and competitions in the great celebration that was the ancient Olympic Games. And two centuries after the creation of the traditional Olympic Games, born in 776 BC, the ancient Greeks invented the Art olympiads, in 566 BC, stipulating that they should take place every 4 years, but in a staggered way, the 3rd year after each sports olympiad.
It was this historic renaissance that Marc Verriere got down to from 1992, obtaining the immediate and unconditional support of Mr Nelson Paillou, President of the Centenary Congress of the International Olympic Committee – Paris 1994. Subsequently, Marc Verriere also received letters of support from Mr. Boutros Boutros- Ghali, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Mr. Henri Lopes, Assistant Director-General for Culture at UNESCO.

On July 10 to 11, 1995, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Marc Verriere signed the founding Charter of the first modern Olympic Arts, with 68 representatives from 65 countries, followed by a major international press conference including numerous articles from the print media around the world have reported the circumstances of this historic revival.
In 2007, he officially registered this new association in Geneva, according to the Swiss Civil Code (article 60).
In 2016, in order to please the IOC, and to avoid any confusion, he decided to transform the generic name of the Olympic Arts into "Arts de l'Olympe / Olymp'Arts", and he registered the logo and the brand " Arts de l'Olympe / Olymp'Arts" at the "Institut National de la Propriété Intellectuelle" (INPI) in France.
On this occasion, he plans to organize the first Olymp'Arts in 2021 in Cannes, France.
The entire French nation hailed this event and Marc Verriere received letters of support from the President of the French Republic, the French National Commission for UNESCO, the City of Cannes, as well as official patronage from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
The official website has been created and thousands of artists from more than 170 countries have registered online their candidacy to present a work in the 18 disciplines offered.
The Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately brought the world to a standstill in 2020 and delayed the preparations for the Olymp'Arts which were postponed to 2023.
In June 2022, the World Olymp'Arts Council (WOAC) was officially created and held a press conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to announce that the first Olymp'Arts would be held in Geneva, Switzerland in 2023.
During the "Olymp'Arts – Greece" Forum, attended by eminent academics and artists, Marc Verriere confirmed that the Olymp'Arts are founded on inalienable principles whose exclusive values are universality, beauty, aesthetics, harmony and non-violence, and that the selections and final ranking will be made by the global public anonymously.
The theme of the first Olymp'Arts chosen is : Environment, climate and energy
Universal beauty and the power of art are able to move the world forward and giving birth to new hope towards a reality where Harmony would be the ultimate value of humanity.
"Beauty will save the world" (Dostoïevski)
Mr. Marc Verriere obtained his university degree from the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris, with a specialty in law, literature and musical studies. After obtaining his diplomas, and a period spent in business management, Marc Verriere launched himself in the 1980s in the field of music, production and artistic managment. He worked in particular at Radio France (France Inter, France Musique and France Culture) and organized public and private concerts in the Paris region.
Throughout this important period, and thanks to new technologies, new art has appeared and the artistic world as a whole has evolved considerably in France and Europe, in particular.
But his ambition did not stop there. In 1985, with Françoise Legrand, musician and composer, cousin of Michel Legrand, they created in 1985 in Stockholm (Sweden), in Homage to the Nobel Foundation, the World Philharmonic Orchestra , which brings together the best orchestral soloists from over 85 countries. This initiative has been applauded around the world by developing during new sessions in Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Montreal, Paris, in particular. Several concerts by the World Philharmonic Orchestra were given for the benefit of UNICEF. This is why, due to his contribution to charity, Marc Verriere was awarded the Medal of Recognition by UNICEF.
Subsequently, Marc Verriere created a fund for the World Philharmonic Orchestra and offered scholarships to underprivileged children from different countries for their musical education.
A few years later, a new innovative idea came to his mind : on the principle of the World Philharmonic Orchestra, to develop and create an artistic event that would bring together all the arts. And in 1992, while doing research at the National Library of France, Marc Verriere came across a book entitled "The Eternal Olympics", published in New York in 1979 and whose author is Nicolaos Yalouris. The book gives an account of the importance and the attraction of artistic events and competitions in the great celebration that was the ancient Olympic Games. And two centuries after the creation of the traditional Olympic Games, born in 776 BC, the ancient Greeks invented the Art olympiads, in 566 BC, stipulating that they should take place every 4 years, but in a staggered way, the 3rd year after each sports olympiad.
It was this historic renaissance that Marc Verriere got down to from 1992, obtaining the immediate and unconditional support of Mr Nelson Paillou, President of the Centenary Congress of the International Olympic Committee – Paris 1994. Subsequently, Marc Verriere also received letters of support from Mr. Boutros Boutros- Ghali, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Mr. Henri Lopes, Assistant Director-General for Culture at UNESCO.

On July 10 to 11, 1995, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Marc Verriere signed the founding Charter of the first modern Olympic Arts, with 68 representatives from 65 countries, followed by a major international press conference including numerous articles from the print media around the world have reported the circumstances of this historic revival.
In 2007, he officially registered this new association in Geneva, according to the Swiss Civil Code (article 60).
In 2016, in order to please the IOC, and to avoid any confusion, he decided to transform the generic name of the Olympic Arts into "Arts de l'Olympe / Olymp'Arts", and he registered the logo and the brand " Arts de l'Olympe / Olymp'Arts" at the "Institut National de la Propriété Intellectuelle" (INPI) in France.
On this occasion, he plans to organize the first Olymp'Arts in 2021 in Cannes, France.
The entire French nation hailed this event and Marc Verriere received letters of support from the President of the French Republic, the French National Commission for UNESCO, the City of Cannes, as well as official patronage from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
The official website has been created and thousands of artists from more than 170 countries have registered online their candidacy to present a work in the 18 disciplines offered.
The Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately brought the world to a standstill in 2020 and delayed the preparations for the Olymp'Arts which were postponed to 2023.
In June 2022, the World Olymp'Arts Council (WOAC) was officially created and held a press conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to announce that the first Olymp'Arts would be held in Geneva, Switzerland in 2023.
During the "Olymp'Arts – Greece" Forum, attended by eminent academics and artists, Marc Verriere confirmed that the Olymp'Arts are founded on inalienable principles whose exclusive values are universality, beauty, aesthetics, harmony and non-violence, and that the selections and final ranking will be made by the global public anonymously.
The theme of the first Olymp'Arts chosen is : Environment, climate and energy
Universal beauty and the power of art are able to move the world forward and giving birth to new hope towards a reality where Harmony would be the ultimate value of humanity.
"Beauty will save the world" (Dostoïevski)