save the world!
Like Dostoïevski, we believe that it is the combination of universality, non-violence and harmony that makes the beauty of an artwork.
Taken separately, the powers of these 3 values are insufficient.
For the first time, an artistic gathering will impose these humanist values in an exhaustive way to its artists.
This is an unprecedented artistic experience whose goal is to provide the greatest amount or jubilation and immediate joy, without requiring any prior knowledge, forgetting its own cultural influences. It’s a personal challenge!
If this subjective experience is shared by a large number or people, it will be truly universal.
The values are the most important criteria for an artist to be selected: to imagine what another artist from a very different culture may consider as a beautiful work.
What is common to humanity in beauty and harmony? This is a unique experience and the answer will be given by the artists.
A.I. appeared to the general public in 2023.
Obviously it is impossible to compare and put in the same category an artificial work created using A.I., with an artwork resulting from the imagination of an artist who took several weeks or months to make it.
We will therefore analyze each discipline likely to be the subject of creation using A.I., and divide it into 2 distinct categories, for example:
Thus, for each discipline concerned, 2 categories will appear that
candidates can chose from :
- 1st category: traditional artistic work
- 2nd category: artistic work created by A.I.
Furthermore. there are 2 kinds of disciplines:
- A- Living, traditional and artisanal disciplines (e.q. dance, sculpture, ceramic, etc.) not likely to be affected by A.I. Only one category will be accessible for these disciplines
- B- Disciplines that can be created or modified by A.I. (e.g. photography, cinema, music, etc.). Two distinct categories will be available
This clause, which may seem harsh, is essential to slow down and prevent the temptation that certain candidates might have.
The OLYMP'ARTS will begin with an opening ceremony that will reveal the event and the participating artists.
For the next few days, the artists will present their works in full to the world public.
The visual-audio disciplines (Dance, Music, Cinema, etc.) will unfold – according to the duration and the time of assembly and disassembly – every day, alternately, on the stage of different rooms dedicated.
All static disciplines (Arts and Crafts, Animation, Garden Art, Painting, Sculpture, Photography) will be permanently displayed in reserved rooms, every day during the event.
The aggregation of the votes will determine the top works that received the universal recognition of the global public in each discipline.
The last day of the OLYMP'ARTS will be devoted to the delivery of the trophies of equal value and the closing ceremony.
The OLYMP'ARTS Trophy:
The top three artists in each discipline are selected by the world public and will receive a Gold Trophy, a money award, and a certificate;
OLYMP'ARTS Finalist Award:
Artists who made it to the finals in each discipline but did not win the Trophy, each artist will receive a money award, and a certificate;
OLYMP'ARTS Nomination Award:
Artists who made it to the 3rd Round but did not make it to the 4th Round, will receive a certificate and a commemorative prize;
OLYMP'ARTS Participation Award:
Artists who made it to the 2nd Round but did not make it to the 3rd Round, will receive a digital certificate;
OLYMP'ARTS Cooperative Institution Award:
Awarded to those cooperating units and art institutions that have made outstanding contributions to the implementation of the OLYMP'ARTS;
OLYMP'ARTS Promotional Ambassador Award:
In recognition of those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion and implementation of each OLYMP'ARTS competition;
OLYMP'ARTS Media Communications Award:
Awarded to the cooperative media partners who have made sufficient communication efforts in the promotion phase of the OLYMP'ARTS competition;
DECEMBER 31, 2025
Registration for the voting public is open and free, and this is a World Premiere.
Indeed, this participation is the key to the success of the OLYMP'ARTS because the vote by the world public will be anonymous and decisive for the classification of the artistic works proposed by the candidate artists.
The global public who will participate in the selections will be registered in the official list of active members of the OLYMP'ARTS and will receive a certificate of participation and other benefits online.
If they so wish, members of the voting public may automatically participate in the following OLYMP'ARTS, without any further registration process. They will remain registered in the permanent memory of the OLYMP'ARTS.
All the necessary information will be provided when the selections start.
The chosen city will be officially announced in 2025