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Olymp'Arts 2023 sparks an artistic storm in Rome
On April 15, Rachel Qin, the Executive President of the World Olymp’Arts Council, was warmly invited by the renowned artist Fransisco Cordoba to take part in the Olymp’Arts 2023 and international artist meeting in the Italian capital, Rome.
World Olymp’Arts Council and French National Society of Fine Arts reached a cooperation
On April 14th, Rachel Qin, the Executive President of the World Olymp’Arts Council, was invited to the French National Society of Fine Arts and had a friendly meeting with the Executive President Isabelle Lawson.
The creator of the game Angry Birds, Peter Vesterbacka, met with the Deputy Secretary of the Executive Committee of the WOAC
The creator of the game Angry Birds, Peter Vesterbacka, met with the Deputy Secretary of the Executive Committee of the WOAC
Turkish museum director who signed OLYMP'ARTS CHARTER sent a video of best wishes
Museum director in Turkey, Emin Mahir Balcıoğlu, who signed the OLYMP'ARTS CHARTER sent his best wishes via video to the IOAC on the success of the OLYMP’ARTS 2023.
Members of WOAC visit the Greece Embassy of China
Rachel Qin, Executive President of the WOAC, and Linda Xu, Deputy Secretary-General, visited the Greece Embassy of China and were welcomed by Mr. Nector Tyrovouzis, the counselor of culture.